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Image from ohiogop.org |
Endorsements for
Ohio's 10th Congressional District, WCH Precinct 3A and state and county ballot
As founder and former chairman of The Tea Party Caucus of the CT GOP Town Committees, I'm no stranger to candidate endorsements. The difference here, is that the debate takes place between myself; there are no Caucus members who's views need to be considered; only one voter assures unanimous consent!
Primaries are even more important than the general election. Bad candidates nominated at primary, give us bad choices in November. Even if you have already made up your mind, I hope you will take the time to read through this and understand the reasoning behind the endorsements. Perhaps you'll change your mind, perhaps not. Maybe you will have your candidate choices affirmed. There is nothing to lose and much to be gained by making the best choices, possible.
Governor and Lieutenant Governor
Mike DeWine vs. Mary Taylor
While I'm not just a one issue voter, my primary concern is whether or not a candidate fully supports the US Constitution in the way it is written and in its original context, including and especially, the Second Amendment. Any candidate who receives an "F" rating from the NRA is automatically disqualified from further consideration. Gubernatorial candidate Mike DeWine received such a rating.
Not only is Mary Taylor a concealed carry license holder and staunch supporter of our Right to Keep and Bear Arms, but she received the endorsement of all three Ohio NRA board members. While in the House, she co-sponsored concealed carry legislation and voted to over ride the governor's veto of it. (Don't let your distaste for Gov. Kasich sway you to vote for DeWine; Kasich picked Mary as a running mate because she could bring him votes, not because she was a Kasich "yes man".)
Mary Taylor comes from a blue collar background like most of us here in Fayette County. The first one in her family to go to collage, she worked her way from the bottom up. She has more in common with us "working class stiffs" than most politicians.
Taylor is pro-life. Period. DeWine compromised his supposed pro-life values by blocking confirmation of conservative, pro-life federal judges.
She supports protecting our borders against the invasion of illegal aliens and ending chain migration. She is opposed to granting amnesty and giving in-state tuition and other government benefits, (which are paid for through your taxes). Mike DeWine is in favor of these things and is in favor of giving Ohio driver's licenses to illegals. Illegal aliens are a burden on society. They bring crime, illiteracy, and generational government (tax payer) dependency.
Taylor's running mate, Nathan Estruth, has a long career in the business world. He understands economics and what it takes to make businesses succeed. He has created jobs in both startup companies and major corporations. Nathan, an asset to the ticket, interned in the Reagan White House and worked for former Cincinnati mayor and Ohio Secretary of State, Ken Blackwell.
Mary Taylor's background as State Auditor, State Representative, and Lt. Governor give her the background and experience to be an effective governor. Nathan Estruth's background in business and politics make him an excellent advisor to the governor.
Therefore, Mary Taylor and Nathan Estruth are the Bulldog's endorsed candidates for Governor and Lt. Governor.
For Attorney General
Dave Yost - Uncontested
For Auditor of State
Keith Faber - Uncontested
For Secretary of State
Frank LaRose - Uncontested
For Treasurer of State
Robert Sprague vs. Sandra O'Brien
For U.S. Senator
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Melissa Ackison with her husband and three of their children |
"I’ve always wanted to be measured for my merits and character as opposed to someone considering me for a position simply because I am a woman." That statement earned my respect for Melissa Ackison. Unlike Hillary and some other women who use their gender as a crutch or entitlement, Melissa does not expect special treatment because she is a woman.
She also holds a concealed carry permit and supports hunting, shooting and trapping as "vital life skills". She specifically supports local gun clubs reaching out to minorities and women for firearms training.
She is entirely pro life. She worked in pregnancy care centers where she saw the long term negative effects of abortion on women. As the "Justice for All" candidate, she is steadfast in her convictions.
Melissa Ackison supports ending federal control over schools and returning that responsibility to us at the local level. Billions of federal tax payer dollars have been spent on education with no discernible benefit; in fact graduation and achievement levels have been stagnant since 1970 and America lags far behind many of our European and Asian allies in educational achievement.
Ackison realizes that collage isn't for everyone. She herself did not pursue a collage degree, yet she is a successful entrepreneur. She "strongly support(s) including skills-based training, apprenticeship and vocational programs in our educational programs to increase opportunities for our students in the public school setting."
Melissa is co owner of a successful surveying company and worked in human relations both domestically and internationally and owned a successful staffing company. Her blue collar background, like Mary Taylor's, puts her more in touch with us working class folks, who foot the bills and carry the load.
The mother of an active duty Army soldier, she backs our veterans and "will work with President Trump to end the debacle in the Veterans Administration and support freedom of choice for all current and past armed service member".
EDITOR'S NOTE: As the father of a disabled vet, I've seen the ineptitude of the VA and appreciate her commitment to our veterans.
For these reasons, Melissa Ackison has the endorsement of this editor.
For Representative to Congress (10th District)
John Anderson vs. John Mitchel vs. Mike Turner
At the end of his current term, Rep. Mike Turner will have served sixteen years in office. I'm in favor of term limits and 8 terms is enough. Besides, he is a lawyer and we have too many lawyers as it is, making laws that benefit their profession. Sorry, Mike, I don't know you well enough to call you a Swamp Creature, but you don't get the Bulldog's endorsement; it is time for change.
Lt. Colonel (USAF Ret.) John Mitchel is an Air Force Academy alumnus. In 1980, he was assigned to Wright-Patterson AFB and has since made his home in Beaver Creek.
On the issues, he is a strong conservative and the best choice for Congress, by far. His stances mirror mine, almost exactly. He has an A rating from the NRA. As am I, he is an Oath Keeper.
Oath Keepers are current and former law enforcement officers, military members and first responders dedicated to upholding our oath of enlistment/service, in which we pledged to "support and defend the Constitution of the United States against all enemies, foreign and domestic; that I(we) will bear true faith and allegiance to the same; and that I(we) will obey the orders of the President of the United States and the orders of the officers appointed over me, according to regulations and the Uniform Code of Military Justice. So help me God." We are patriots who took this oath for life and are committed to keeping it, until death.
John Mitchel is in favor of term limits. He is strong on enforcing immigration laws and protecting the border. He advocates for reform of the legal system; the current system that is victimizing President Trump, his associates and so many others.
On education, Lt. Col. Mitchel supports getting the federal government out of education. There is NO constitutional authority for the federal government to control education, a matter that has traditionally been in the hands of parents and local governments since before we were a county.
John opposes an Article 5 Constitutional Convention for the same reasons I do. There is a process for amending the Constitution; it has been used 18 times. A convention could well leave us with a constitution that does not resemble the one we have, today. It is a dangerous and unnecessary venture.
John Mitchel has the enthusiastic endorsement of The South Central Bulldog. I encourage you to visit the link above and read his position on more issues.
Brenda Mossbarger vs. Aaron D. Coole
There was no information to be found on either of these candidates. However, the incumbent, Aaron Coole, did send me a letter after I picked up an absentee ballot.
In his letter, he points out that he was appointed auditor in 2017 by the State Central Committee. (I have to assume the office was previously held by a Republican and a vacancy arose.)
While he has only been in office one year, his letter points out that during that time, he reduced the payroll budget, completed a software conversion that had been ongoing for 8 years, updated a real estate transfer list that was 9 months behind, fixed the auditor's web site which hadn't been updated in a year so that it updates nightly and formatted the the real estate data base so its search functions work correctly.
Because he is the only candidate to reach out to me, and because he seems to have done a great deal to improve the auditor's office functions in a short period of time, I say, if it ain't broke, don't fix it.
Aaron D. Coole has the endorsement for County Auditor.
For these reasons, Melissa Ackison has the endorsement of this editor.
For Representative to Congress (10th District)
John Anderson vs. John Mitchel vs. Mike Turner
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John Mitchel LtCol, USAF (Retired) |
Lt. Colonel (USAF Ret.) John Mitchel is an Air Force Academy alumnus. In 1980, he was assigned to Wright-Patterson AFB and has since made his home in Beaver Creek.
On the issues, he is a strong conservative and the best choice for Congress, by far. His stances mirror mine, almost exactly. He has an A rating from the NRA. As am I, he is an Oath Keeper.
Oath Keepers are current and former law enforcement officers, military members and first responders dedicated to upholding our oath of enlistment/service, in which we pledged to "support and defend the Constitution of the United States against all enemies, foreign and domestic; that I(we) will bear true faith and allegiance to the same; and that I(we) will obey the orders of the President of the United States and the orders of the officers appointed over me, according to regulations and the Uniform Code of Military Justice. So help me God." We are patriots who took this oath for life and are committed to keeping it, until death.
John Mitchel is in favor of term limits. He is strong on enforcing immigration laws and protecting the border. He advocates for reform of the legal system; the current system that is victimizing President Trump, his associates and so many others.
On education, Lt. Col. Mitchel supports getting the federal government out of education. There is NO constitutional authority for the federal government to control education, a matter that has traditionally been in the hands of parents and local governments since before we were a county.
John opposes an Article 5 Constitutional Convention for the same reasons I do. There is a process for amending the Constitution; it has been used 18 times. A convention could well leave us with a constitution that does not resemble the one we have, today. It is a dangerous and unnecessary venture.
John Mitchel has the enthusiastic endorsement of The South Central Bulldog. I encourage you to visit the link above and read his position on more issues.
For Justice of the Supreme Court
Craig Baldwin - Uncontested
For Justice of the Supreme Court
Mary DeGenaro - Uncontested
For Judge of the Court of Appeals, (12th District)
Stephen W. Powell - Uncontested
For Member of State Central Committee, Man (17th District)
Charles Krabbe vs Phil A. Bowman
Unable to find any information on either candidate, I cannot endorse or vote for either one.
For Member of State Central Committee, Woman (17th District)
Bonnie Ward - Uncontested
For State Senator (17th District)
Bob Peterson - Uncontested For State Representative (92nd District)
Gary Scherer - Uncontested
For County Commissioner
James D. Garland - Uncontested
For Justice of the Supreme Court
Mary DeGenaro - Uncontested
For Judge of the Court of Appeals, (12th District)
Stephen W. Powell - Uncontested
For Member of State Central Committee, Man (17th District)
Charles Krabbe vs Phil A. Bowman
Unable to find any information on either candidate, I cannot endorse or vote for either one.
For Member of State Central Committee, Woman (17th District)
Bonnie Ward - Uncontested
For State Senator (17th District)
Bob Peterson - Uncontested For State Representative (92nd District)
Gary Scherer - Uncontested
For County Commissioner
James D. Garland - Uncontested
County Auditor
Brenda Mossbarger vs. Aaron D. Coole
Aaron D. Coole |
In his letter, he points out that he was appointed auditor in 2017 by the State Central Committee. (I have to assume the office was previously held by a Republican and a vacancy arose.)
While he has only been in office one year, his letter points out that during that time, he reduced the payroll budget, completed a software conversion that had been ongoing for 8 years, updated a real estate transfer list that was 9 months behind, fixed the auditor's web site which hadn't been updated in a year so that it updates nightly and formatted the the real estate data base so its search functions work correctly.
Because he is the only candidate to reach out to me, and because he seems to have done a great deal to improve the auditor's office functions in a short period of time, I say, if it ain't broke, don't fix it.
Aaron D. Coole has the endorsement for County Auditor.
For Clerk of the Court of Common Pleas
Sandra I. Wilson - Uncontested
For Member of County Central Committee
Write-in, Mike Meadows -Uncontested
Ballot Issues
Issue 1
Creates a bipartisan, public process for drawing congressional
Proposed Constitutional Amendment
Proposed by Joint Resolution of the General Assembly
To amend the version of Section 1 of Article XI that is
scheduled to take effect January 1, 2021, and to enact Sections 1, 2, and 3 of
Article XIX of the Constitution of the State of Ohio to establish a process for
congressional redistricting. A majority
yes vote is necessary for the amendment to pass.
The proposed amendment would:
End the partisan process for drawing congressional
districts, and replace it with a process with the goals of promoting bipartisanship,
keeping local communities together, and having district boundaries that are more compact.
Ensure a transparent process by requiring public hearings
and allowing public submission of proposed plans.
Require the General Assembly or the Ohio Redistricting
Commission to adopt new congressional districts by a bipartisan vote for the
plan to be effective for the full 10-year period.
Require that if a plan is adopted by the General Assembly
without significant bipartisan support, it cannot be effective for the entire
10-year period and must comply with explicit anti-gerrymandering requirements. If passed, the amendment will become effective
Being from out of state, I saw first hand how one political party abused its power to gerrymander congressional districts for the furtherance of its own power. This practice usurps the rights and powers of the citizens and destroys election integrity. Therefor, I support passage of this issue.
Issue 2
Proposed Tax Levy (Additional) Fayette County
An additional tax for the benefit of Fayette County for the
purpose to provide for ambulance and emergency medical services at a rate not
exceeding one and three tenths (1.3) mills for each one dollar of valuation,
which amounts to thirteen cents ($0.13) for each one hundred dollars of
valuation, for three (3) years, commencing in 2018, first due in calendar year
I've never heard of ambulance service being paid for by a tax levy. Perhaps someone will weigh in and 'splain this to me.
Odds are, most people will never need to use the ambulance service. Why should you and I have to pay for it, if we don't use it? (By the way, if you are a renter, taxes are part of the cost of doing business and that cost is built into your rent.) Doesn't everybody have insurance under ObamaCare? Doesn't that insurance pay for ambulance service? Shouldn't those who use the service be expected to pay for it?
I am Against the Tax Levy
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