Friday, January 15, 2021

Free Ohio Now - False Flags

 Editor's note:  DO NOT use as you email service provider; they are terrible!

As we enter 2021, it is clear we face a great deal of uncertainty, and none of us has a crystal ball to tell us how it is all going to work out.  No doubt like many of you, I have read and listened to many assertions pertaining to President Trump, which have so far been unsubstantiated.  While anything is possible, I believe we need to focus on the gifts we have been given in 2020 and what they mean for our future.  

The most important gift from 2020 in my opinion is that President Trump showed us how to stand up and fight for ourselves.  This is a crucial gift we will use over and over again in 2021 and beyond as we fight for our Constitutional rights and to renew our country!  Another gift almost as important was that of a state-wide organization in the form of Free Ohio Now.  A year ago at the start of 2020, none of us had an inkling we would need to band together across the state to push back against government tyranny and overreach, however, we did band together and we can be proud of what we accomplished.  We will face many challenges going forward, but we will confront them together and together WE WILL MAKE A DIFFERENCE!


We are in the midst of a chaotic political time, and we would like to get your opinion on the performance of the major parties in a brief 10 question survey.  Please help us to understand your thoughts at this critical juncture in American history.  You can access the survey here.


As we mentioned in our last email, several of us from the FON Core Team headed to Washington DC on January 6.  Why, you ask, would we and hundreds of thousands of other Americans take time from work and our lives to spend a Wednesday in January on the Mall in Washington DC?  We were there representing the 75 million Trump voters at the last institution, the Joint Session of Congress, which could have addressed the evidence of fraud in the November 3rd election.  PERIOD!

We condemn those who broke the law that day.  However, the January 6, 2021 event was announced on December 19, 2020, which means there were over 2 weeks to prepare for our demonstration. Yet Capitol Hill was not prepared as demonstrated by the resignation of the Capitol Hill Police for poor performance.  In fact, many people who entered the Capitol walked in through doors manned by Capitol Hill police.  Had Capitol Hill been better prepared, we believe the chaos and tragic events surrounding January 6th would have been significantly minimized, if not fully prevented.


State School Board and FON member, Kirsten Hill, has been attacked by education 'leaders' in Ohio and others for exercising her First Amendment rights by helping organize and attending the rally in Washington DC.   In contrast, a 'leaked' FBI memo warns of 'Armed' protests.  See Tom 'Z's, We the People Convention, take on these stories here and here.

Kirsten Hill goes to Washington.  Response to press from Kirsten Hill here.  Interview on Bob Frantz radio show here starting at minute 21:15. 

NOTE:  FON will not be posting any events on our website scheduled between now and January 20th.


It is a shock to some and no surprise to others that President Trump and many of the citizens who voted for him have been restricted or thrown off from Big Tech's services including Google, Apple, Amazon, Facebook, Twitter, Pinterest, Snapchat, TikTok, Shopify, Gmail, Yahoo, Hotmail. AOL, etc...  The list is growing.  Their motive is clear to all: to prevent We The People from unifying, communicating with each other and revealing facts and truths about those who are trying to conquer our Republic. 

We highly encourage all Patriots to seek alternative online services, specifically decentralized ones, and get accounts with them as soon as possible. Please inform us of your new email address, etc. so we stay unified, communicate freely and continue to liberate The Buckeye State and our country from it's enemies, both foreign and domestic.  

Among the non-Big Tech email services to consider are:, and*.  

Please let us know your new email address, so we can maintain contact! The Easiest way to add your new email address to the Free Ohio Now list is to Text OPEN to 66866 and respond to the prompts in full with your new email address.  TY very much.

* - Some members of the FON Core Team have a financial interest in EagleFire.

Forward this message to your friends and families.
Thank you for all you do!

Tom and the FON Team

P.S. TO:  Bus Trip riders out of Lorain County and Valley View, we have included you on this message from Free Ohio Now thinking it might be of interest to you.  Questions?  Please email us.

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Thank you so much.  Your generosity in support of Freeing Ohio Now is greatly appreciated!


Fighting the New Normal

Text OPEN to 66866 to join the fight.

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1 comment:

  1. Note: is the worst email service provider in the world. Don't use them.


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