"Greater love has no man than this, that a man will lay down his life for a friend."
Reprinted from Deep Healing Waters Ministry, Dec. 23, 2017.
By Regina Roundtree.
I miss snow and cold weather however I am sure its only a temporary feeling. Christmas season over here is reserved. Not that Christmas lights and music should determine the level of joy in my heart but I miss the fellowship.

I always loved going to the movies during the Christmas season. The excitement of the holidays and the possibility of running into old friends at the movie theater. Or when I was young, it was more about meeting up with your friends and hanging out at the mall.
This weekend a Steven Spielberg movie – The Post will be playing. It recounts the Washington Post’s experience as they reprinted excerpts from The Pentagon Papers. To read a more in-depth discussion on the Papers you can click here.
Cliff notes: Daniel Ellsberg, a former Vietnam Marine turned research analyst worked on a top-secret report detailing the 20yr history of the US government’s activities in Vietnam. He released it to the NY Times and eventually to the Washington Post. A Supreme Court case ensued and the press won. The country was horrified about how they had been deceived by their government.
This is sure to ignite discussion about many issue surrounding the Vietnam War. It’s been a mixed bag of responses when Americans, the distinction is important, learn I am living here. There is still so much unforgiveness and angst over this war. My request is that during this time you would pray for 1) healing for both countries – government, veterans and the families who lost loved ones and 2) people would begin to research the truth for themselves.
In approximately 30 days from now, Asia will celebrate their big holiday which is called Tet or Lunar New Year. They usually celebrate for 10 days (sort of like between Christmas and New years for US). For me it will mark 1 year living in Southeast Asia. Last year I arrived on the last day of the celebration.
Deep Healing Waters delivers the Word of God in Vietnam via the ministry outreach called ‘Matthew 2:2’ M2:2 is completely donor supported. All funds go directly to Vietnam. **Donate Here**
2018 will mark 50 years from the Tet Offensive. On Jan 30, North Vietnam (communist) said they would cease fire so the country could celebrate but on Jan 31 they launched coordinated attacks on over 100 cities in the South. It was a horrific time and was the straw that broke American resolve to stay in the war any longer.
So here I am, an American in Saigon (Ho Chi Minh) at this time – sandwiched between The Post and the 50yr anniversary of the Tet Offensive. God has amazing timing – placing me here.
There is so much healing and forgiveness that needs to happen in both countries. Especially in Vietnam, the Vietnam War for them was like compacting the Revolutionary War for freedom and then laying over it the Civil War conflict. Remember that before the US ‘officially’ became involved, Vietnam had been fighting for the last few decades to be able to be independent from France, Britain, Japan (not in that order). As a country the US had at least a century in between wars to heal, Vietnam has not been that lucky.
Without constitutional rights like the First Amendment the Vietnamese people are left to cover their wounds and walk on as though neither their own countrymen or other countries have devastated their hope for life, liberty and the pursuit of happiness.
I am honored to be here and stand in alignment with Holy Spirit to declare healing and forgiveness to this land and it’s people. Please consider supporting the work. Click here to donate.. Thank you for reading this update and keeping this ministry in your prayers.
Acts 1:8 “But you shall receive power when the Holy Spirit has come upon you; and you shall be witnesses to Me in Jerusalem, and in all Judea and Samaria, and to the end of the earth.”
Have a Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year. I leave you with a short video I took from a Christmas church event held outside.
Oh, Holy Night
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