4 Tbs. cooking oil (palm oil, coconut oil)
1 Tsp. salt
1/2 cup sugar
A splash of maple syrup
1/2 to 1 cup nuts (peanuts, pecan pieces, etc.) optional (The last time I made this, it was a last minute, spur of the moment decision to add nuts.)
1/2 cup popcorn
4 Qt. or larger pan with lid
Measuring cups/spoons
Small bowl for mixing
Long handled spoon
Hot pads
Low sided cake sheet for cooling
Makes 4 quarts
1 Serving :)
While the oil is heating, (over medium-high heat), combine the salt and sugar and blend thoroughly. This helps evenly distribute the flavors, evenly. Add the popcorn and nuts to the same bowl.
Place several popcorn kernels in the pan and cover. Once the test kernels pop, add the sugar/salt/popcorn/nut mix and a splash of maple syrup. Mix well with your long handled spoon. (The syrup makes the solution thinner, allowing you to keep everything moving more easily.)
As soon as the popping slows, set the pan aside on a cool burner and remove the lid. Empty the popped corn into the pan and allow to cool. Left overs will keep well in zip lock bags for a couple days.
For smaller amounts, reduce the ingredients, proportionately.
Future recipes include oven planked salmon, cole slaw like you've never seen and "shelf preservation".
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