Tuesday, October 3, 2017

Oath Keepers CALL TO ACTION to Deploy to Puerto Rico

by Stewart Rhodes            

We need volunteers to provide close protection/security for medical/rescue teams going into rural Puerto Rico communities which have not received food, water, or medical relief in the wake of hurricane Maria.

Oath Keepers launched this mission by volunteering to help in the emergency medical evacuation of a critically ill child.  First into Puerto Rico today will be a two man Oath Keepers security team who will help Dr. Thompson's medical team evacuate the child.  One of our team members will be Florida Oath Keepers leader Scott Dunn, who is a retired trauma nurse, veteran police and corrections officer, and a U.S. Army Ranger School graduate.   Dr. Thompson asked Scott to go on this first-flight-in because of his extensive experience in the E.R. as well as his capabilities as a protector.  Also on this first two-man security team will be Oath Keepers Founder, Stewart Rhodes, who is an Army Airborne veteran and former volunteer fire-fighter.  https://www.oathkeepers.org/oath-keepers-assist-doctors-medical-evacuation-critically-ill-child-puerto-rico/
This first five-man team will be quickly strengthened by additional Oath Keepers teams which are on their way.   Dr. Thompson is arranging the private flights from the Miami/Ft. Lauderdale area into Puerto Rico.   If you are a "quiet professional" with the requisite background and training, and the presence of mind and calmness under pressure to operate as a security escort for doctors, medics, and search and rescue personnel in a potentially dangerous disaster environment, please volunteer to help us.

You can contact us at:  puertorico@oathkeepers.org and we will begin the vetting process.  Billy Simmons is in overall charge of coordinating volunteers for this security mission. We will post up more details on that shortly.

As stated above, we are looking for "quiet professionals" who are well trained and experienced infantry, police, PSD, or security professionals. We are also needing medical personnel as well as communications experts.

Engineers and construction/contractors are also very much needed to help clear debris from roads and help build emergency shelter  while we also work our primary mission of security for the doctors, nurses, medics and rescue workers of Third Wave Volunteers.

Veterans, it is time to step up and help protect our rescue and medical personnel so they can safely do their critical work.

Plan on bringing the proper gear for a security operation in austere, grid down, without rule of law conditions where you will have to sustain yourself while keeping others safe.   Our mission is humanitarian disaster relief but the sad fact is that bad guys take advantage of such conditions to prey on innocent people.  Therefore, let us do our duty to stand in defense of the vulnerable.

Primary contact method is emailing: puertorico@oathkeepers.org

Please check back here for more details on volunteering for this medical and security mission. If you have any questions, please use the email address above.

If you are qualified to participate in Puerto Rico, we would sincerely appreciate your help.  If not, you can still help by donating a little or a lot to help with the expenses incurred by our volunteer teams.


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.If you believe in the mission of Oath Keepers, to defend the Constitution against all enemies, foreign and domestic, please consider making a donation to support our work.   You can donate HERE.
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Oath Keepers, 5130 S. Fort Apche Rd. , Ste. 215, Las Vegas, NV 89148

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