Warblers are a welcome burst of color and excitement each spring.
Bird enthusiasts of all skill levels find getting to know warblers rewarding.
Ready to find warblers near you and learn techniques to help make identification easier?
Looking for practice tools that prepare you for recognizing birds in the field?
Introducing Be a Better Birder: Warbler Identification,
the most comprehensive online course available. It's designed to go
beyond the field guide and help jumpstart your warblering adventures.

Your Friendly Guide and World-renowned Birder
I'm Kevin McGowan, the course instructor. Through more than 60 brief video tutorials, I’ll help you develop your ID strategies and field skills. As a former World Series of Birding winner, I can help you focus on the important things so you can avoid getting swamped in the details. We'll cover all 51 warbler species in the U.S. and Canada grouped by region so you can learn which birds you'll find near you or on your next trip.
Practice for the Field with SnapID: Innovative Learning Tool
course also offers hours of self-paced practice and quizzing. Build
your confidence with photo ID practice from all sorts of angles and
lighting conditions. As you play and replay SnapID, your winning streaks
will reveal the moment when you're ready to find each species in the
Free Bonus: Warbler Song Collection and Handy Reference Guides
As a bonus, you'll get free access within the course to download or stream 312 warbler songs, covering all the species found in the U.S. and Canada. This collection from the Cornell Lab's Macaulay Library is a $14.99 value.
also get 4 downloadable warbler reference guides, one for each region.
Print these and carry them with you for at-a-glance ID help.
Special Early-Bird Pricing Until May 1
Take advantage of early-bird pricing of $99.99 on pre-orders through May 1 (regular price $124.99).
If you purchase more than one Bird Academy course you'll receive an additional 20% off your whole order.*
The course material will be available starting May 1. It's self-paced and you can come back as often as you wish. Access does not expire.
* 20% discount applies automatically when eligible courses are added to cart.
What Students Have to Say
knows so much and conveys his info at just the right level. And I ID’ed
my first warbler last week! Yellow Warbler, right in my back yard! What
a thrill!!!"
"I felt like I was exposed to the information in a way I had never thought about it before, yet easy to understand.”
am much more aware of bird markings now and how to distinguish them
than I was before I took this course. I apply what I learned to seeing
other kinds of birds.”
Happy birdwatching!
Kevin McGowan
Project Manager, Distance Learning in Bird Biology · Cornell Lab of Ornithology · birdacademy@cornell.edu
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