Welcome to the Big Bug Hunt 2018 international research project newsletter!
The search for bugs requires a little detective work, especially early
on in the growing season. Fellow Big Bug Hunters: We call on you to
look beyond the obvious and seek out every hidey-hole, nook and cranny
where bugs may lurk!

Sharpen your senses and observe closely. Potential pests may be found
in leaf axils (where leaves join the stem), in the ground around plants,
on the undersides of leaves or hidden under slabs, lumber and other
garden objects. Check regular hangouts too, including young shoots, buds
and leaf tips. Discovering pests before they get out of hand will give
you and your plants a distinct advantage.
Whenever you find a bug, whether garden pest or beneficial bug, please
take a moment to report it. Remember, every report helps to develop a
better understanding of how bugs appear and spread.
Pest-free Alliums Anyone?
Planting alliums such as onions, leeks or shallots this spring? Forewarned is forearmed! Download your free guide on how to recognize, prevent and control common allium pests and you can look forward to a trouble-free crop.
Bug Bites: 5 Wiggly Worm Facts
Variety show: More than 180 species of earthworm are found in the US and Canada.
Super skin: Their skin releases fluid to facilitate movement and to help it stay moist.
Easy breathing: Earthworms have no lungs, so they breathe through their skin too.
Gender equality: Earthworms are hermaphrodites, meaning they possess both male and female reproductive organs.
Wiggly whopper: The biggest earthworms in North America top out at 14 inches long!

Ones to Watch
Butterflies and bees bring color and movement to the garden. They’re
also essential pollinators. Don’t forget to let us know when you see
them! |
Great because: Buzz-pollinates vegetables like beans, peas and tomato
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Great because: Pollinates hundreds of different crop plants
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Mason Bee
Great because: Highly effective pollinators, including of blueberries
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Great because: Pollinates some crops when they come to sip nectar
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Learn more about these and other pests, plus beneficial bugs here.
Thanks for connecting with us. If you have any further questions or suggestions, please don't hesitate to get in touch via our contact form.
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